The navigation bar at the top of the interface is divided into ws number list two parts: "watch video" and "listen video", and users can switch videos by swiping up and down. In the internal test "Tik Tok Mode", station B has also begun to rot? Currently, the length of the video for "watching the video" ranges from a few seconds to 10 minutes, and the length of the audio ws number list for "listening to the video" ranges from 10 minutes to an hour and a half.
To say what is the difference between the vertical ws number list screen video of station B and Douyin, maybe only the barrage floating above the video, and the traditional customs of station B - support one-click three-connection. In the internal test "Tik Tok Mode", station B has also begun to rot? Left is station B, right is Douyin According to Jam Girl's observation, videos on the "Watch Video" interface are more recommended based on user ws number list interests . The ws number list recommended video accounts are almost not in the same order of magnitude in terms of the number of fans, video playback or likes.
As shown in the figure below, the videos that Jam ws number list Girl swiped in "Watching Videos" ranged from one hundred to hundreds of thousands of followers, the number of video playbacks ranged from several thousand to one million, and the number of likes also ranged from a few hundred to one hundred thousand. Hundreds of thousands. In the internal ws number list test "Tik Tok Mode", station B has also begun to rot?